Monday, May 25, 2009


your only as strong as
the tables you dance on
the drinks you mix

and the friends you roll with.
hahaha, i'm so excited xcept my bestie friend named Julian is LEAVING.
to CALIFORNIA! i'm soooooooo sad i was like balling my eyes out after skool :(

Sunday, May 17, 2009

HEre'S ToO LiFe...

HanGiNG oUt.MaKInG OuT.
sNEakINg OUt. pASSinG oUT.
nO rEGrEtS <3

Whoot whoot!

just got back from the bahamas!! whooo hahaha i went on a cruise there and it was way fun!! we saw dolphins, a HUGE turtle and we went scuba diving and there was like this big old puffer fish that was going to eat me. all the fish were chasing me, i'm not even kidding me!!! we also saw an like two eels and an octopus and the waves were HUGE!! we went to the beach from there too then flew home. The flight was about seven hours! But ya, it was pretty amazing...

Friday, May 8, 2009


Late nights,
Water fights,
Beach time,
Pillow fights,
Ice cream,
Sweat dreams,
Schools o u t,
Summer’s in.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

hmmm.... my dislikes...

i don't like alarm clocks... or tree roots or those yellow dandelions or... uniforms... or mean people who dont share their phone i like money and i dont like whirlwinds...
I don't like rocks either. unless theyre pritty... <3
Blinkie Maker
Make your own Blinkie

Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm sitting by my bestie's shaniah! haha, i call her shinana <3

Monday, February 16, 2009


I gotta tell you, in my sixth period, i got a secret valentime! it was from a sixth grader and it was so cute! anyway, i didn't even know who he was. He said his name was Hunter Braxter or something like that...


i love pickles

Me and Alixx!

Heyy, I haven't been on for a long time!
okay, so we went to the mall and stuff and we tried on these adorable outfits and stuff and we were like putting on the hats and stuff! and in one of the pics i put on a bakini top! it was so fun! we went to American Eagle (that's where i tried the bakini top) and Debb (they have the most adorable dresses there) and Hot topic (in my opinion, they honestly have the best skinny jeans, especially if your short) we even got in trouble once while we were there... (:
good times...